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Prices are indicative only. Thousands more prices are available when you log in.

Way of Successful Trading with our calls

  • Attend each and every call given by us.
  • Use stop losses given strictly as you will have fresh trading opportunity rather than waiting in a loss trade.
  • Trade in multiple of two lots on every call so that Partial profits can be booked at 1st target and the another lot to be held for further targets with stop loss at cost price.
  • Unnecessarily don’t get stuck to the screen and get worried your self about volatility of the market, simply follow the calls.
  • Finally, we will be the winner!!!!


With this scheme we are providing you a chance to gain before you pay, by giving you calls for one week with 90 - 95 % accuracy and 10000-15000/- of guaranteed profits on our calls per week.

After the week if you want to continue our services you have to pay just 2000/- per week.

If we fail to reach our gaining target of 10000-15000/- we shall provide free calls for the next week or refund your amount as per your wish.

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